May 21 West Buttress Team moving to Camp One

Mountain Trip climber Don Cash called in an update on the May 21 Denali West Buttress team. They awoke up at 3 a.m. to near daylight and an unfortunate 8 inches of snow that collapsed their kitchen tent–which they were able to hastily repair. They broke down and packed up their camp at 7,200′ Denali…

May 21 Denali West Buttress – Meet the Team!

WELCOME TO ALASKA – MAY 21 DENALI WEST BUTTRESS TEAM   Mountain Trip appreciates the trust and support of our climbers and another team of adventurers have chosen to join us in Alaska, to fly in to the stunning, heavily glaciated Alaska Range to attempt the West Buttress route on North America’s highest peak–Denali–which soars…