June 6 Team Holding at 14 Camp

The team has spent many days at 14 Camp due to the weather, but spirits are still high and the team is making the most of the situation. Guide Eli reports lots of socializing, birthday parties, and snowmen…oh my! The team plans to review skills they will use for the upper mountain and to watch…

June 6 Team Holding at 14 Camp

It’s been a stormy couple of days on Denali, causing a complete shut down of climbers both ascending and descending. The Team is hunkered down at 14 Camp, patiently waiting for the storm to abate. They are eating well and relaxing, and trying to maintain some form of physical activity. The storm has dumped many…

June 6 Team: Stormy Day at 14 Camp

A large moisture system is sitting on the Alaska range, preventing teams from ascending/descending and from flying in the range. When storms like this one move in, teams hunker down and try to practice one of the hardest skills in mountaineering—–patience. The weather will improve, but it’s difficult knowing that the timing is indeterminate and…

Backcarry for June 6 Team

Lead Guide Eli reports that the team made the short drop down from 14 Camp to their cache site at Windy Corner. It wasn’t particularly smooth traveling, as the team broke trail on the descent, and then due to the wind, broke trail on the ascent, as well. That is exhausting work and the team…

June 6 Team Caches

Unfortunately the call was once again cut short, but are able to hear the beginning of Lead Guide Eli’s report. It was a snowy, cold day but the team pushed through and carried a load of equipment and supplies to 13700′. Everyone is back a camp and doing well. Here’s Eli: recording