Birthday Wishes from the June 1 Team

The team is making progress! Today the climbers moved a load of equipment and supplies up the glacier to a cache site several miles up the Kahiltna glacier. Caching is an important strategy for the team, as it allows them to move a large amount of equipment and supplies up the mountain and also allows…

June 1 Team on the Move!

The team woke early, packed up camp, and moved approximately 5 miles up the glacier to Camp 1 at 7800′. Lead Guide Seba reports that the team made good time and enjoyed the beautiful weather on the lower glacier.   Here’s Seba: recording

June 1 Team at Base Camp

It was skills day at Base Camp for the June 1 Team. Lead Guide Sebastian Grau reviewed glacier travel skills with the team and each team member prepared his/her sled for the move to Camp1. The Team plans to make their move to Camp 1 in the early hours of the morning, around 3:30 AM,…

June 1 Team at Denali Base Camp

The June 1 Denali West Buttress team is off to a great start!  They had a beautiful day and flew into basecamp on the Southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier on schedule today.  The flight from Talkeetna takes about 45 minutes and takes climbers from the warm summer weather up to 7000 ft where they…