May 19th Team at 11,000

Ryan is back with the team after making a lap to base camp, while Adam, Linda, and Aparna made a cache up at nearly 13,000 ft.  They are a small team of 4 now, and they’ve got their cache in, so they are ready to move on up to Camp 3 at 14,000 ft as…

May 19 West Buttress Team: Keeping busy at 11-Camp

Mountain Trip lead guide Adam Smith called in for the May 19 West Buttress team, who are currently camped out at 11,200′ on Denali. Adam and two climbers (Aparna and Linda) put in a tough day hiking back down to retrieve their cache at around 10,500′ in whiteout conditions, breaking trail through deep snow while carrying…

May 19 Team at Camp 2, 11200′

The Team has been battling high winds, snow and white-out conditions, but they have persevered and they have made it to Camp 2.   They were getting snowed on at a rate of an inch an hour for some of the day! Guide Adam Smith called in the report tonight, and sends a special message to…

May 19 Denali Team Is At Camp 1

Lead Guide Adam Smith called in from the team’s Camp 1 on the Kahiltna Glacier.  They flew into Denali Base Camp on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier yesterday, spent some time reviewing glacier skills and campcraft, before getting to bed in preparation of an early departure.  The route actually descends from Base Camp…

Meet our May 19 West Buttress Team!

A group of climbers from different hemispheres have gathered in Anchorage to forge themselves into a team that will attempt to climb the highest peak in North America.  Denali, at 20,310 feet (6190 m), is arguably the hardest of the famed Seven Summits, due in part to it’s location just south of the Arctic Circle,…