June 13 Team checks in from 14,200′

Lead Guide Rob “Durny” Durnell called in from 14,200′. The team has been busy for the past few days moving supplies up and down the mountain and he apologizes for the radio silence of the past few days. A couple things have occurred recently – Sangeeta decided to head back down to Base Camp.  She…

May 13 Team – Back in High Camp

Everyone is in camp. They sound tired but excited to have completed their goal. It takes a tremendous amount of teamwork to do what they have done. It is an outstanding feeling to accomplish this goal, on that creates a bond between team members not even stinky feet and heavy packs cannot break. This recording…

May 13 Team – On the Summit NOW!

Everyone on this team is on the summit right now! The weather is good and everyone is working together well. On Summit day reaching the top is only half of the task. The descent follows the West Buttress downhill to Denali Pass. While descending the Autobahn, you can see in the distance, foothills of the…