Denali Japan 8 8 Team At 11,200′

The team cached above their camp yesterday, meaning they carried a load of supplies and equipment most of the ay to their next camp at 14,200′.  Today, they remained at the 11,200′ camp, taking some acclimatization hikes to help their bodies better adapt to the thinning air of the altitude. Eli Potter, Keizo, Mr. Matsumoto…


Team Japan 8 8 called in today from Camp 2 at 11,200 ft. Guide Eli Potter reported that the team packed up camp in stormy conditions, but as they made their way up glacier, the skies cleared and by the time they arrived at Camp 2, it was a beautiful day. They set up camp,…

Denali Visual Tour de Camps

Base camp is located at 7,200 on the Southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  It can be a bustling place, with the deep drone of aircraft echoing off the surrounding walls.  Here are some images to help readers get a sense of what your friends and family are experiencing on their Denali climb.    …