Denali 2013 General Update

The long stretch of bluebird skies and low winds came to a halt a couple days ago, when a low pressure system moved across the mountain, bringing with it clouds and snow.  We currently have 6 teams on Denali and one waiting to fly into the Range.  Here is the general update as of Wednesday,…

May 19 Team – At 11,200′

Pieter Van Den Broeke called in a nice greeting to his family, but was cut off before he could update us on the team’s progress.  Today, they carried a load of supplies up to about 13,500′, but are still at the 11,200′ camp for the night.  They plan to move up to the big camp…

May 19 Team – Camped at 11,200′

This recording is pretty brief, as Steve got cut off in his transmission, due to the steep mountain walls to the south of their camp that block their satellite transmissions.  The team is camped at 11,200′ and enjoying beautiful, clear, calm weather.  It can actually be quite hot on days such as this, so the…