May 13 team: leaving camp 3 for basecamp
Caitlin called to report the team moving from 14k towards basecamp. They are planning on reaching basecamp tomorrow morning and will fly as soon as the weather permits it.
Caitlin called to report the team moving from 14k towards basecamp. They are planning on reaching basecamp tomorrow morning and will fly as soon as the weather permits it.
John Race reported at 12:30 am the entire summit team having returned to camp after summiting Denali. Expedition member Steph returned to camp with 3rd guide Dan Starr from Denali Pass earlier in the day, where she remained as the rest of the team continued upward. Steph is still in good health; this is a…
Caitlin called in from the summit of North America! It sounds like a stunning, warm day on the top of Denali. Well done, team!!! recording
2nd guide Caitlin Hague called at 8am, reporting that the team planned to leave for the summit at 9am. The entire expedition will give the summit a try.
I’m pretty sure the caller is Jim Molnar, reporting on the doings of the crew, which spent the day at 14,200′ camp (aka Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood wow- rest days can really give you a lot of time to think!). They spent the day organizing their kits for moving up to high camp, and some of…
John Race called to report the team taking a rest day at Camp 3. Part of the team went to enjoy the view from the “Edge of the World,” which overlooks 3500′ down into the Northeast Fork of the Kahiltna glacier. The group plans on moving up the fixed lines to high camp at 17,200′…
The team carried a load of supplies up to 16,200 ft today and cached it in preparation for their move to high camp on Friday (weather permitting as always). Sounds like they are doing good and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Listen to the call. recording
Jon Ryall called in to wish all his friends and family in the UK well and to brief us all on the day’s events. The team took a rest day today and worked on some of the skills they will need to employ tomorrow and in the coming days. They secured lengths of their climbing…
Here are some images that might help you all have a btter sense of the terrain that your friends and family are traveling through.