Team Duncan at Camp 2

The team battled a bit of wind and snow today, but were able to get the job done today.  They slept in a bit this morning and had a relaxing start to this relatively short day.  The job was to go back down to the cache that they left at about 10,000 ft a couple…

Happy Birthday Duncan!

It’s Duncan’s birthday, and they celebrated by getting up really early, shouldering big packs, and climbing up over 3,000 ft to move up to Camp 2.   It went well, and they once again made good time and were able to set camp and get a bit of a nap.   They celebrated Duncan’s birthday with a…

Team Duncan Working Hard

The team has enjoyed some beautiful weather so far on their time on the mountain.  They’ve been getting up early in the morning and trying to beat the heat of the afternoon on the lower mountain so far.   Today they carried a load of food, fuel, and gear up to about 10,000 ft, dug a…

Duncan and crew at Base Camp

The team flew to base camp today!  They met early this morning in Anchorage and drove up to Talkeetna where they checked in with the National Park Service, and then went to the airport in hopes of flying onto the glacier.  The weather had been preventing flights from getting in to the AK Range for…

Off to Talkeetna!

The guides met Duncan yesterday for a gear check in Anchorage, and they are off for Talkeetna this morning.  They’ll check in with the National Park Service and then head over to the airstrip in hopes of flying to the glacier today.   The weather continues to be uncooperative with clouds and rain down in Talkeetna,…