April 29 Team – Trip Recap

Well, we’re all back in the comfort of our homes after spending 17 days in the Alaska Range.  We had some great weather down low on the mountain and got pretty beaten up by high winds at the 14,200′ camp.  We made a foray up to 16,200′ to make a cache, and then dropped back…

April 29 Team – Change of Plans…

We had a somewhat surprising development over the past 36 hours.  The small April 29th team has decided to turn back and not make a summit push.  There have been numerous factors that have resulted in this decision, including weather, health and team dynamics. Jason Gross has decided to remain at the 14,200′ camp in…

April 29 team resting at 14k

Jason had the honor of calling in for the April 29th West Buttress team this evening.   They carried a load of gear up to the ridge yesterday, and are having a rest and recovery day today.  They are ready to push up to high camp tomorrow if the weather looks good!   Sounds like they are…

April 29 team: rest day

The April 22 team took a rest day yesterday at camp 2, sleeping in and eating big meals to regain their full strength.  From their camp, the teams can admire Mt. Foraker, look over Kahiltna Pass onto the north side of the AK range and also look up the upper Peters Glacier , which parallels…