Trekking in to Mount Kenya

Dave and Sole are off to Mount Kenya!  They began their trek into the mountain today after a couple of days of traveling to Nairobi, Kenya and a drive to the trailhead they were excited to be underway and try to shake off the jet lag with a bit of a hike.  They’ve been seeing…

May 23 Everest Expedition Dispatch

We are all down from Everest! Greg and Vanessa are already in Kathmandu after being whisked away by helicopter from Camp 2 this morning. Greg has some frostbite and is going to visit the clinic/hospital in Kathmandu to get that looked at and treated right away. Our entire Sherpa crew made it down to base…

2016 Everest Team is Back At Base Camp

Bill called a bit ago to let us know that he, Greg and Vanessa all arrived in Base Camp a short while ago.  Our Sherpa team are just behind them, and will soon arrive back at the luxurious-feeling 17,500′ camp. Spirits are high and everyone is looking forward to the myriad of niceties that “civilization”…