June 5 Team Caches at 16,200′

Yesterday the team left camp to climb 1,000′ to the start of the fixed lines, which took about two hours to get to. Once arriving at the bergshrund (where a glacier meets steep ice, creating a crevasse that sloughs dramatically away from the steep ice and continues across an entire mountain face) the team found themselves…

June 2 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

The team took another rest day today in preparation for their move up to High Camp which is likely happening today! Yesterday they were able to take the time to prep for this move, as all unnecessary items must be weeded out. Packs need to be as light as possible to preserve as much energy…

June 7 Team Moves to Camp 3

Yesterday the team packed up and moved from Camp 2 (11,200′ 3413m) up to Camp 3. They climbed first up the mile long Motorcycle Hill, cresting then Squirrel Hill, landing on the Polo Field, a basin of the glacier sloping upwards to Windy Corner. Atop another hill lies Windy Corner. The large granite buttress, the…

June 2 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

After caching on the ridge at 16,200′ (4937m) the team took a well deserved rest day today. They enjoyed some splendid blueberry pancakes at 14,200′ (4328m) this morning, as well as a hike out to The Edge of the World. The Edge of the World is where Genet Basin, where Camp 3 lies, drops a…

June 5 Team Moves to Camp 3

Yesterday the team packed up camp at 11,200′ (3413m) and retraced their steps to Windy Corner. Once past Windy Corner they climbed into Genet Basin where Camp 2 resides. Sitting at the base of the granite face of the West Buttress, the headwall up to the 16,200′ (4937m) ridge, and some iconic ski lines that…