June 7 Team Descends to Camp 3

After standing on the summit (20,310′ 6190m), Jesse, Gary, and Grant made their way back to High Camp (17,200′ 5242m) where they collapsed into their sleeping bags for some rest after a long day. Yesterday they morning, they got up, packed up camp, and made their way back to the Fixed Lines to descend back…

June 20 Team Moves into Camp 1

After leaving Talkeetna, the team flew across the flat expanse of braided rivers that leads to the Alaska Range. Flying over the foot of the range they traveled across the glaciated, frozen peaks into Denali Basecamp at 7,200′ (2194m). Unloading their supplies from the plane, the team set up in Basecamp temporarily to wait for…

June 5 Team Final Dispatch

Jordan sends in a final dispatch for the team: “After a gorgeous final stroll down the Kahiltna early this AM, from camp 1 to Base Camp, the team enjoyed a final restful day at the airstrip waiting for the runway to soften. In due order TAT swooped in to grab us in the afternoon. With…

June 5 Team Arrives in Basecamp

Yesterday the team was able to descend into Camp 1 at 7,800′ (2377m) before the glacier got too warm to continue. They camped here for the day, waiting until 1am when the glacier had refrozen before continuing their descent. Early this morning they arrived back in Basecamp (7,200′ 2194m) where they await their flight back…

June 7 Team Enjoys Another Rest Day

Today the team enjoyed another rest day at High Camp as they wait and prepare for their weather window. Today, the Summer Solstice, they will be making their summit attempt! We wish the team luck, and looking forward to hearing from them later tonight. Summit attempts typically take around 12 hours. They will have to…