May 29th Team at Camp 3

Durny called in from Camp 3 at 14,000 ft this afternoon.  They are resting up today in preparation to leave for base camp tonight.  It is going to be a long night for the crew, they’ll leave in the middle of the night and hope to be in base camp by morning.  They hope to…

May 31st team back in Talkeetna

Michael B called from Talkeetna this afternoon.  The team left Camp 3 at 14,000 ft last night and travelled thru the night all the way to base camp.  They travelled during the coldest time of the night hoping to catch the lower Kahiltna glacier while the surface was frozen for easy travel conditions.  They’ll spend…

Trip wrap up

The team made the descent from high camp to base camp in a super strong one day push. By innovating a new system for skiing roped with the sitskiers in the front of the team, we made great progress and passed through advanced base camp just as a snowstorm moved in. Setting up base camp…