June 19 Team on the Summit!!

Jacob just called in from the summit of Denali!  They had to break trail through some pretty deep snow at times today, so it was a lot of work, but they made it.   It is a beautiful evening up there, no wind and blue skies above.   A great way to celebrate Independence day. Meerie turned…

Heading to High Camp

Durny called in this afternoon to say they were celebrating the 4th of July by climbing to high camp at 17,200 ft.   They left late this morning, waiting to see what the weather was going to do.  It was still snowing a bit, but was letting up a bit and the winds were pretty light.  …

Summit Attempt! June 19 team

Jacob called this morning to say they were finishing a bit of breakfast and packing up to try for the summit.  The weather has improved this morning, and they are going to give it a try.  We hope to hear from them on the summit late this afternoon.  They’ll try to call from the top,…

June 26 team watching it snow

Jared just called to say they were in camp all day today while the snow fell on Denali.  It was the story up and down the mountain, pretty good snowfall and very little movement by our climbing teams.   They are all doing great, and a day of rest doesn’t hurt right now, they’ll be even…

Ski Team takes a day off

They took a rest/acclimatization day today after a big day yesterday.  Durny called in this afternoon saying all is well, but he’s having a hard time getting any of the other team members to leave a phone dispatch, so it’s him again. Here’s Durny. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-03-21-20-17.mp3|titles=Audio Post]