May 19 Team Stocked Up at 14,200 ft

The team woke to some pretty stormy weather with a bit of wind and snow, but that didn’t stop them from heading back down to their cache and bringing the rest of their food and fuel supplies up to Camp 3 at 14,200ft. They are in the midst of a pretty good storm now, hanging…

May 21 Denali Team Moved to 11,000 ft Camp

The May 21 Denali team moved up to the 11,000 ft camp today! The weather started nice, but it sounds like it deteriorated thorough the day and is now snowing and windy. They are all happily settled into their new camp and settling in for a big dinner tonight. Here’s Chris with the evening update:

May 19 West Buttress Team moved up to Camp 3!

The May 19 private team moved up to 14,200 ft camp today! They are excited to be there and enjoying a big dinner tonight. The weather has deteriorated and it’s snowing now, but they’re settled in and happy. The schedule for tomorrow starts off with sleeping in and then after a leisurely breakfast, they’ll go…

Private Cook Team at 14k

The team had a nice mellow “backcarry” day from 14k down the trail about 30 minutes, and hauled some supplies back up to camp at 14,200 ft. They are settled in and hoping to carry a load of food and fuel up to the ridge leading towards high camp tomorrow, but not sounding super optimistic…