May 13th Team Reaches High Camp!

Lead guide Yoshiko reports that the team made the big move up to High Camp (17,200′). It was a cold, windy, snowy day but the team pushed through and they are settling in their fortified tent camp. Over the next 24 hours the team will be resting, hydrating, and watching the weather carefully as they…

May 20th Team Caches at Windy Corner

The May 20th team took advantage of the clear, calm weather to move a load of equipment and supplies to a cache site at Windy Corner. Guide Matt Park fueled the team with a yummy breakfast (sausage, egg, avocado breakfast sandwiches), which propelled everyone up Motorcycle Hill, then Squirrel Hill, before reaching the cache site…

Jay Team Caches Below Fixed Lines

Leah reports that the team moved a load of equipment and supplies to the base of the fixed lines at approximately 15,600′. After caching the team returned to 14 Camp and rested and hydrated in preparation for moving to High Camp tomorrow. Here’s Leah: recording

May 21 Team Carried Around Windy Corner

One of the climbers from the May 21st team called in to update us on the team’s day carrying loads up and around the infamous Windy Corner today. They donned crampons for the climb this morning, which commenced with a 1000′ (300m) ascent up a moderate snow slope known as Motorcycle Hill.  Above this point,…

May 24 Team Carried Loads to 10,200′

Lead Guide Jesse Wright called in from Camp 1 at 7,800′ (2377m) on the broad Kahiltna Glacier.  Yesterday, they hiked from Base Camp at 7,200′ (2195m) on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier, covering a distance of about five miles (8 km) in pretty challenging, whiteout conditions. The team shouldered their packs and loaded…

May 13 Cook PVT Team Moves to High Camp!

Jason D called in this evening from Denali High Camp! They took advantage of a bit of better weather and climbed up to the ridge leading to high camp, and continued on up the ridge as the weather improved and winds died down. They had a beautiful evening at high camp and are settled in…