May 21 West Buttress Team moving to High Camp!

Mountain Trip guide Chris Cullaz called in an update from the May 21 West Buttress team, who enjoyed a rest day yesterday at 14,200′ to maximize their acclimatization before moving higher on the route. Today the team plans to move up to High Camp at 17,200′. The weather outlook for Monday and Tuesday looks promising…

May 17 West Buttress Team – Rest Day at High Camp

Once again the team awoke to high winds streaming off the summit ridge above camp, and decided to wait for better conditions to make their summit push. The weather forecast is suggesting a promising weather window on Monday and Tuesday, with the winds diminishing significantly and dry weather predicted. Here’s the quick update from the…

May 24 West Buttress Team at Camp Two

Climber Dave Ge called in an update on the Mountain Trip May 24 Expedition, who descended to Denali Pass to pick up their cache. They then returned to camp and practiced their ice axe and crampon technique for the upper mountain. Some highlights from the team included quesadillas, spicy curry and getting 10-plus hours of…