May 24 Team in Talkeetna

The team is back in town! After a looooong descent from High Camp, the team hopped on a plane at Base Camp and headed to the oxygen laden air in Talkeetna. David reports that the team is doing well, if a bit sore in the toes from the long descent. Again, well done, team! Here’s…

June 4 team Caches at Windy Corner 13,700′

It was a beautiful, calm day on the mountain and the team moved a load of equipment and supplies to a cache site at 13,700′. The team departed camp and immediately began ascending Motorcycle Hill, then Squirrel Hill, before reaching Windy Corner. Thankfully it was a calm day, and Windy Corner did not live up…

June 7 Team on the Move!

It’s been a very busy few days for the members of the June 7th Team. The team met in Anchorage, Alaska on June 7th for a team meeting and equipment check, then departed for Talkeetna on June 8th for Talkeetna. In Talkeetna, the team attended a mandatory meeting with the National Park Service and they…

May 24 Denali Team Resting at High Camp

The May 24 Denali team is taking a well deserved rest day at high camp (17,200ft) after moving up yesterday. They are acclimatizing, recovering, and preparing for a shot at the summit tomorrow! The weather is looking good and they are optimistic that they’ll get a shot at a summit attempt soon. In the meantime,…