Rest day yesterday

Jared called yesterday evening to report a successful rest day, which wasn’t completely restful as they had to relocate camp to get out of a snowy area which was burying the tents in spindrift blown from the other side of the ridge.  Sometimes 20′ makes a big difference, so Jared, Sean and the team worked…

Move to 13,000′

The Northwest Buttress team has been working hard the last few days, and are now tucked into a solid camp at 13,000′.  Wednesday was a 13-hour day carrying loads ahead of their previous camp, with lots of blue ice and step-chopping by the guide team.  Put on top of that a hard day yesterday moving…

Sean Calling From 10,200′

Sean called in last night from 10.200′ on the Northwest Buttress.  The team is doing great and feels energized to be on the route. His reference to “Thanksgiving Dinner” means that they dined on a guide favorite of turkey and stuffing with re-hydrated cranberries and mashed potatoes and gravy.  Sounds like pretty good living for…

Team NWB at Peter’s Glacier

Hi folks, Jared called in to report that the team had back carried to Mt. Caps, then headed down again to their camp on the Peter’s Glacier.  Tomorrow they will move to the first camp on the route of the North West Buttress of Denali, at an approximate elevation of 10,500 feet. Everyone is doing…

At the Base of the Route!

Jared just called to report that the NWB team is at the base of the route and looking forward to moving up it tomorrow. His call was very short and sweet (hey- he’s a nice guy!), most likely because they are nestled deep in the Peters Basin, with lots of steep rock and ice between…

Almost reunited

Jared waited in camp today to allow Sean to catch up with the group after he took Charles Miske to basecamp to meet a plane; Sean had the help of a private group to help escort Charles to basecamp and travel with him back to Kahiltna Pass.  It is never a good idea to travel…

Holding at Kahiltna Pass

Charles Miske has left the expedition after having experienced unsettling allergy-related symptoms in camp at Kahiltna Pass.  After being evaluated by the guide team everyone involved decided it was a good idea to have 2nd guide Sean, with the help of some nearby friend/climbers, take Charles down to basecamp to meet a plane.  The weather…

Carrying over Kahiltna Pass

Guide Sean McManamy reports that Jared and three climbers are currently carrying loads to the base of the Northwest Buttress, while Sean is hanging out in camp with one guest preparing to move on down to basecamp to meet a plane.  The phone cut out before I could learn who it was, but everything is…