Holding at camp 1

Lead guide Mike Burmeister called after eating a hot meal yesterday evening, saying that high winds kept them tucked away in camp 1 instead of carrying a load up the Kahiltna glacier as planned.  High enough winds to keep an expedition in camp are rare at the lower elevations on Denali but it is what…

At 7,200′, Camp 1

Update: Mike Burmeister called from camp 1 at 7,200′ (2218m).  They moved to camp 1 battling a 20mph headwind, but reported that all is well, and that the ravioli dinner really hit the spot.  Tomorrow they plan to carry a load of gear ahead of camp, so hope for good weather…

In basecamp

This expedition flew into basecamp yesterday evening, and are most likely moving to camp 1 at 7,200′.  Most expeditions do what is called single-carrying at the lower elevations on Denali; this is when a team will carry all their gear and food at once in a single massive effort to move camp and supplies.  Up…