May 29 team- rest day

Durny and company took a much-deserved rest day at 17,200′ camp yesterday to recover from their long, hard move from 14 camp the day before.  Their plan is now to wait for conditions that allow for a summit bid.  Today?  Tomorrow?  Time and weather will tell.

May 29 team- rest day at 14k

Durny reports a great rest day at 14,200′, eating big and walking around camp visiting other expeditions and repacking gear for the move to high camp. At 10pm guide Yoshiko Miyazaki left 14 camp with Grant and James to descend to basecamp. Everything is ok, Grant and James decided they were happy with their trip…

May 29 team- backcarry from 14,200′

Robert Durnell’s team has called in from 14,200′ camp to report that the team had successfully backcarried their gear from 13,500′ to camp today, which means they are poised to carry most of that same gear and food up the fixed lines to 16,400′.  They spent the afternoon today practicing a few technical skills that…