May 24 traverse team

The traverse expedition rested at their high camp on the Harper glacier yesterday, preparing for a summit attempt.  The weather was marginal yesterday morning but improved steadily as the day went on.  If today’s weather is favorable they may go have a look at the south summit.

Rest day

Chris Kerrick called from 14 camp, reporting a restful day of hanging out.  The weather was beginning to sock in, but he reported that temperatures were relatively warm and everything was going great in camp.  Rest days involve some light exercise to aid acclimatization, and 14 camp is generally accepted to be free of crevasses;…

Carried to 16.4 today

Chris called in high spirits from 14k.  The team carried loads up to 16,400′, traveling up the fixed lines and moving up along the ridge.  Chris wanted to carry higher, but he reported that carrying sleds on the backpack when the winds were blowing hard made for a lot of work.  Most expeditions cache their…

Traverse Team- Backcarry Day

The crew had a nice and restful day- they had a mellow morning, sleeping in and enjoying a quick round trip from 14 camp  to pick up some gear cached at 13,500′. This involved dropping down out of camp for about 30 minutes, digging up their cache that they left on the uphill side of…