Heading to High Camp

Durny called in this afternoon to say they were celebrating the 4th of July by climbing to high camp at 17,200 ft.   They left late this morning, waiting to see what the weather was going to do.  It was still snowing a bit, but was letting up a bit and the winds were pretty light.  …

Ski Team takes a day off

They took a rest/acclimatization day today after a big day yesterday.  Durny called in this afternoon saying all is well, but he’s having a hard time getting any of the other team members to leave a phone dispatch, so it’s him again. Here’s Durny. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-03-21-20-17.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

June 22nd team cached at 16,800 ft

They climbed up to 16,800 ft today and cached some food and gear for their push up to high camp.  It was a cloudy day with a bit of snow, which made for great skiing conditions on the descent.  Tomorrow they’ll take a rest/acclimatization day, which probably means they’ll ski a bit above camp.  It’s…

Ski Team calls in on the 1st of July

They got a bit of skiing in today, going back down to get their cache.  Tomorrow they’ll climb up to put a cache in on the ridge at 16,400 ft, and hope to find some nice snow to ski on the way back down. Here’s Durny’s evening call. [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-01-23-57-06.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

Ski Team at 14k

Durny called in this morning from Camp 3 at 14,200 ft.   They are doing great, moved up yesterday, and will go down this afternoon to the cache at 13,500 ft where they left their gear a couple of days ago. Here’s Durny: [audio:http://mountaintrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/audio-post-2011-07-01-17-20-27.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

Ski Team up to 14,200 ft

The guys moved up to Camp 3 at 14,200 ft today.  They are all doing great, and had a good day moving around Windy Corner on a calm and sunny afternoon.   They’ll spend the next several days here at Camp 3 acclimating and skiing around before moving higher up the mountain.  

June 22 ski team

The crew is doing great, and were able to cache some food and equipment up at 13,500 ft today in preparation for moving up to the 14,200 ft camp tomorrow.  It was a beautiful warm day, with some clouds this afternoon. Durny said that he is having a hard time getting any of the other…

June 22 ski team eating well

The ski team is doing great and eating well.  Durny called in this evening after a big Pizza dinner and they were about to have some cheesecake for desert.   It was a pretty relaxing day, they skied powder back down to their cache at 10,ooo ft this morning and brought that pile of gear back…

Ski team moves up to 11,000 ft

Durny called in this evening from camp 2 at 11,000 ft.  They moved up this morning in whiteout conditions with snow and wind obscuring any visibility.   It snowed over a foot in the last 24 hours, so the trail from yesterday was long gone, but they were able to follow their course on the GPS…