May 14 Team Moves to Camp 3

Andrew updates us from 14,200′ (4328m) yesterday. The team moved from Camp 2 at 11,200′ (3413m) to Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m). Getting to Camp 3 is an exciting part of the expedition. Now the team is set up to plan their bid for the summit. They will backcarry today to grab their cache from Windy…

May 14 Team Caches at 10,200′

The team had a successfully cache at 10,200′ today near Kahiltna Pass. This is the team’s first cache of many on the trip. Caching is part of the expedition style of climbing that allows climbers to “climb high and sleep low”, making it easier for the body to acclimate to the new altitudes as they…

May 14 Team Arrives in Basecamp!

A photo from the Denali Archives of one of our teams leaving Basecamp “Stoke Master” Grant Purdue calls in from Bascamp last night after the May 14 team flew into the South East Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier from Talkeetna yesterday around 2:00p AKDT. On Saturday, in preparation the team did their team safety brief,…