May 12 Team at Camp 3

The team carried the remainder of their food and fuel up to Camp 3 from their cache site down near Windy Corner today.  The next move is to cache food and fuel for the eventual move to high camp, so they’ll see what the weather brings for tomorrow.  The 14,200 ft Camp 3 is a…

May 12: backcarry at 14k

Word came through the Mountain Trip grapevine: the May 12 group traveled a short distance down the glacier to pick up their gear at 14 camp.  Weather has been hitting the entire mountain today, but at least at 14 camp the afternoon turned relatively balmy and the team took advantage of the day to acclimatize…


The May 12th team experienced  40/50 mph wind gusts yesterday, so they stayed hunkered down in their tents at camp. Sounds like they didn’t have it too bad—-Durny prepared a pizza dinner! The team woke to a bluebird day, and they moved a load of gear and supplies to a cache at 13,500 ft. Unfortunately…