May 8 Team – At Camp 2

Vanessa called in to recap the team’s progress and to send regards to some loved ones.  The team moved up to Camp 2 at 11,200′ today.  They are set up in a stunningly beautiful, glacial basin at about 11,200′, with big views out to the west and northwest.  Ringing the basin are some huge ice…

May 8 Team – Jacob Calls from Base Camp

Lead guide Jacob Schmitz called in from the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  The team all flew in and is camped on the snow at the increasingly bustling “Kahiltna International Airport.”  Planes come and go regularly, delivering climbers and sight seers alike.  They will spend some time working on skills today and tomorrow morning,…

May 8th Denali Team – Meet the Team!

Our third team of the season is headed up to fly into Denali later this afternoon.  Our May 8th Team met in Anchorage yesterday and finalized their preparations for their attempt on the highest peak in North America. The team spent much of yesterday running errands in Anchorage, picking up last minute items and eating…