May 20 team: At Camp 1

The team moved yesterday  from basecamp to camp 1 at 7,800′.  This involved traveling about five miles up glacier, without much elevation gain, but it is a pretty tough day, nonetheless.  The views of 17,400′ Mount Foraker, looming ten thousand vertical feet above you are as staggering as the loads climbers carry out of camp.…

Tyler team: change of plans

Joe Butler called the office yesterday to report a change of plans.  Altitude sickness necessitated a descent from their attempt to move to high camp.  Ariel Tyler had symptoms that made continued ascent impossible, and our guides recommended descent from camp 3 to camp 2 to have her benefit from the decreased altitude.  Upon descent…

May 6 team: summit

Our team checked in this morning at 2:30am to report everyone being back in camp safely after a long summit day.  Our communications were cut off, but the summit team yesterday included Melissa, Jason, Strah and Paul.  Sarah K. opted to stay in high camp but is in good health.  It is my understanding that…

Lucky Lindy Team to High Camp

The team moved to high camp today and they’re doing great.  It’s one of the biggest days of the trip, and it sounds like everyone handled it wonderfully.   They are settled in at camp now and are hoping to get a good night sleep and see how things look for a summit day tomorrow! Listen…

West Rib closing post

Jared here, I just wanted to write a closing message to this trip. After a great start to what was sure to be an amazing trip up the West Rib I unexpectedly became sick with signs of Pulmonary Edema low on the mountain. With out too many options for recovery where we were at 7800…

May 6 Team – Summit!

We heard from Nick just a few minutes ago.  He, Joe Ceurvorst, Angela Martz, and Dallas McKinley all reached the summit yesterday! The weather is still holding and it looks like the rest of the team, or some of the rest of the team, will begin to make an attempt in the next few minutes. …