Just hanging out

Mike called in and he had nothing new to report, they are still hanging out at 14k in camp waiting for the winds to die down up high.  Mountaineering is often a waiting game, so everyone is listening to their iPods or reading books and waiting for the next meal to be cooked.  As soon…

Adam Smith Checks In From 14,200′

Adam called in a podcast from camp at 14,200′ (4328m).  They spent the day fortifying their camp with snow walls, as high winds buffeted the team.  It sounds like what we would call “full-on” conditions, requiring multiple layers of clothing and facemasks to protect their noses and cheeks from the bite of the wind. Building…

Rest day at 14,200′

WIND!  The team tells me that the Park Service tents stationed at 14 camp were recording gusts of wind clocked at 50mph yesterday, so lead guide Mike Burmeister compensated for the bad weather by cooking a few hot meals and telling a few jokes.  The team continues to be strong after carrying a load of…

Rest day at 14,200′

WIND!  The team tells me that the Park Service tents stationed at 14 camp were recording gusts of wind clocked at 50mph yesterday, so lead guide Mike Burmeister compensated for the bad weather by cooking a few hot meals and telling a few jokes.  The team continues to be strong after carrying a load of…

Call From 14,200′

Eric Gullickson called in to report that the team had a great day carrying loads up to the ridge at roughly 16,400′.  They moved well and are hoping for good weather to move up to high camp on the 18th. Here’s Eric! [audio:http://mountaintripdenali2011.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/audio-post-2011-05-18-04-46-12.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

At 14,200′ Camp!

The team moved up and around Windy Corner today, establishing themselves in the broad basin of the 14,200′ camp.  This is an important step in a West Buttress expedition, as climbers are at an elevation where they can spend a number of days acclimatizing and preparing themselves for the upper mountain. They had a big…

Carried Around Windy Corner

Hi Folks, We really apologize for the delay in posting, but rest assured that the May 8th team is doing great.  They have been moving strong and yesterday carried a load of food, fuel and supplies up and around a key feature of the route, namely a massive, steep ridge of rock and ice that…

Somewhat Garbled Post from Bryan Desloge

The 11,200′ basin is a tough place to get messages out from, as the steep walls provide scant chances for satellite phones to connect with the orbiting satellites.  Bryan called this in, and it’s nice to hear his voice, although it gets rather garbled. Enjoy! [audio:http://mountaintripdenali2011.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/audio-post-2011-05-16-04-38-00.mp3|titles=Audio Post]

Carried Up to 10,500′ Today

Michael just called to report that after taking a weather day yesterday, due to very high winds, the team had a great day today.  They made a carry up and around the most northeasterly corner of the Kahiltna Glacier and made a cache at 10,500′, just shy of their next camp.  They are about to…