At 14,200′ camp

Chris and company pulled into 14,200′ camp this evening, and are happily in their sleeping bags after eating another delicious meal.  Tomorrow they will travel down glacier for about 30 minutes to pick up their cache of gear, and spend the afternoon reviewing skills needed to proceed higher on the mountain.

To All Mountain Trip Teams

We just heard about another accident on Denali that occurred last night.  This was not a Mountain Trip team.  All our climbers are doing fine at this time. Details are not clear at this time, but apparently four climbers roped together fell while descending from Denali Pass.  Two of the climbers did not survive.  We…

Carried to Kahiltna Pass

The team moved strong from 7,800’camp to Kahiltna Pass to leave a cache of gear.  Lead guide Chris Kerrick was impressed with the strength of the team, reporting that they had made the best carry of any of his 18 Denali expeditions.  The mood sounds optimistic and the weather is seeming to cooperate, so if…

Denali Traverse Team

Not content to climb up and down the classic West Buttress, a handful of climbers have elected to climb up and over Denali to descend the wild and remote Muldrow Glacier route to the north.  We call this our Denali Traverse climb, and we are the only guide service to run these trips year in…