Trip Reports
The team moved up and around Windy Corner today, establishing themselves in the broad basin of the 14,200' camp.  This is an important step in a West Buttress expedition, as climbers are at an elevation where they can spend a number of days acclimatizing and preparing themselves for the upper
Hello followers!  We got a call on the 16th from the team. First on the audio is Art who gives us a run-down of their day, the dinner, and the plan for tomorrow.  They sound like they're having a blast ! [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Jared called a bit ago and reported that the team made a backcarry day today, meaning that they dropped back down their route to grab supplies that they had cached yesterday.  They are hoping to move up to a new camp at about 13,000' tomorrow.  The new camp is located
Eric Larson called a few minutes ago to report that he and the West Rib team are all back at camp at 7,800' after "making a carry" of supplies to a spot near the top of the Kahiltna Glacier at about 10,300'. The team flew onto the glacier on Sunday,
Zach Johnson just called in to report that 2/3 of our team made it to the glacier, with the remaining three climbers and Zach waiting to fly later today.  Three planed departed for the glacier and Zach's was a bit slower than the others.  By the time they reached the
Welcome to the dispatch blog for Mountain Trip's May 15th West Buttress expedition.  A team of nine climbers and three of our guides have gathered in Southcentral Alaska and are now in the process of attempting to climb to the summit of North America's highest mountain. Let's meet the team!
Bill Allen called in a somewhat intelligible post from Camp 2 on their summit push. The plan is to move to Camp 3 today. Hear Bill! [audio:]
The participants from our May 14th 12-Day Mountaineering Course are all on the Kahiltna Glacier.  They met in Anchorage and drove to the small town of Talkeetna yesterday.  Fortunately, the weather was cooperative and they were able to make the 45 minute flight into the heart of the Alaska Range,
This is our new website!
Yesterday, Qobin, Peter Inglis and Zach Quine departed Anchorage, Alaska en route to the small town of Talkeetna, where they spent some time being briefed about some of the challenges of climbing Denali by Rangers from the National Park Service. They were fortunate in that the weather was cooperative and
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