Trip Reports
Eric Larson's team is resting at 11,000' on the West Buttress route.  Eric's strategy is to acclimatize the team on the more traditional West Buttress route before descending to the start of the West Rib.  This allows teams to travel efficiently on the lower West Rib without having to wait
Eric Larson's team is resting at 11,000' on the West Buttress route.  Eric's strategy is to acclimatize the team on the more traditional West Buttress route before descending to the start of the West Rib.  This allows teams to travel efficiently on the lower West Rib without having to wait
Joe Butler is piled into camp with no fewer than three other Mountain Trip expeditions, and after a hard day moving to 11 camp the team took a rest day yesterday to gather their strength for the next leg of the expedition.  11,000' camp is tucked into a side glacier
The Northwest Buttress team has been working hard the last few days, and are now tucked into a solid camp at 13,000'.  Wednesday was a 13-hour day carrying loads ahead of their previous camp, with lots of blue ice and step-chopping by the guide team.  Put on top of that
Hi All, I received a message from Scott that was pretty garbled, but it sounded like they were down at high camp. I'm sitting aboard a plane that is preparing to fly, so I cannot post until we land in about six hours. I'll confirm that they are back in
Bill called in from the summit of Mount Everest about an hour ago!!! He reported that it was a beautiful day and that Ephi, Neal, Chris and he were standing on the summit.  Scott was just behind with Newall, Irek and Gregg, so it looks like the team has seen
Aaron gives us the run-down of their skill building day. All are well and Happy Birthday to lead guide, Dave Ahrens!!! [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Bill called in a few hours ago to give us an update on the weather and their plans for the next summit attempt!  The winds are dying down and they can see the looks like a beautiful day for the next push up high. Click here to hear Bill:
[audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Eric called from the beautiful basin camp at 11,200'.  They had a leisurely day yesterday and did a backcarry, meaning that they dropped back down to the cache that they left two days ago at about 10,300'. This involved dropping down out of camp for about a 20 minute hike
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