Trip Reports
Kevin and company called in this evening from the 14,000 ft camp at the end of another stormy, windy day.   The highlight of the day was gathering for meals, and telling stories.  They are all doing great, and hoping for a break in the weather to be able to
Durny called in this evening after a great dinner tonight.  They were able to carry a load up to 10,000 ft today, but encountered some pretty crummy weather and whiteout conditions and had to travel by GPS.  They are all doing great, and actually got to ski a bit of
Jacob called in this evening from the 11,000 ft camp, wind and snow kept them from moving up to the next camp today, but they are all doing great. [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Jacob called in tonight after dinner on a snowy day at 11,000 ft.  They didn't stray far from their tents today in the snow and wind.   It was a relatively relaxing day, but the sun never really showed.  The guides used their time to show off their mountain cooking skills,
It was a snowy and windy day up at Camp 3 for our June 12 team today.   They spent the day pretty close to home today as the wind and snow kept them in camp.   Karen called in this evening as they all sat around after dinner in the kitchen
Durny left a message from Camp 1 this morning.  They left base camp late last night and had great conditions on the lower glacier.  It was a cold night and froze solid, so they skinned up the firm surface of the glacier.  This morning as they arrived at Camp 1
Our June 22nd Denali Ski Team checked in from the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  They spent the day reviewing glacier travel and crevasse rescue skills and tried to get an early night's sleep in preparation for a midnight wake-up call so that they can travel the lower Kahiltna
James Gustafson called in this evening to update us on the team, which is doing great and enjoying some pretty serious sunshine.   Tomorrow, the guide team will make a carry up to the next camp at 14,200' and the climbers will take advantage of a rest and acclimatization day. By
We asked team members to send us photos of how they trained for their upcoming expedition and team member Aaron Kurland sent us two shots from a recent solo trip he took up Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the lower 48 states.  Aaron also joined us for 12 days
The team made a carry today, hauling food and fuel for high camp up to the ridge above at 16,400 ft.  The day started out a bit cloudy, but got nicer as it progressed and is a beautiful evening up high.  Janine got up to about 15,000 ft today, and
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