Trip Reports
What a great trip on 11300! I just got back a few days ago from a trip to the SW Ridge of peak 11300 in the West Fork of the Ruth Gorge. My client was Jon Arlien out of the Lake Tahoe area. Jon flew into the Alaska on Sunday
The team continues to wait for good weather at 14 camp.  Henry reported that they had endured a windstorm yesterday but emerged from it none the worse for wear, and are still excited to move to high camp and get their summit bid.  Hopefully as you read this they are
For all you blog followers out there, we appreciate you tuning in to follow the expedition.  Lead guide Jacob is composing the final entry and promises to post it tonight, so check back one more time.  Thanks!
Lawrence called the following podcast in from 14,200' camp.  It sounds like they tood a beating in the winds on Friday night, but have emerged with healthy appetites, and continued good humor. The cook tent Lawrence refers to is a custom built, five sided structure with no floor.  It looks
Brian got the phone tonight to call in on behalf of the NW Buttress Team.  It sounds like the temperatures are quite cold, but this is an arctic, high altitude mountain, so the team is very well prepared for this. They have been traveling up the long Kahiltna Glacier and
Base Camp Everest. May 7th Bill Allen Ephi, Neal, Chris, and I descended through the Khumbu Ice again this morning after 6 nights up at Camp 2. The rest of the team (Scott, Gregg, Irek, and Newall) are putting in their sixth night up high tonight, and will be back
"Skiing the Lhotse Face" May 7, 2011 Everest Basecamp Namaste and greetings everyone! We are finally back down in Basecamp after our second rotation on the mountain. We spent six nights at Camp II, which is at 21,400' and had excellent weather while we were up there acclimatizing. The great
Chris Davenport called in a report on reaching base camp today, and they'll be posting some pics and dispatches a bit later. Everest May 7 2011 CDavenport from EBC
Jared called to let me know of another successful day of hauling loads up the upper Kahiltna.  They carried loads to Kahiltna Pass in preparation for moving camp up to 10,000' (3,048m), hopefully today.  Weather looks good and cold, reported to be -15F (-26C) at night and destined to stay
Henry called for our daily check-in to report that the team had taken a rest day yesterday to gather their strength, eat big meals and train up on the specific skills needed to travel up the fixed lines and along the granite-studded ridge to high camp.  These skills include fixed
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