Trip Reports
Salamat Pagui! The three members of Qobin's West Buttress team called in from 14,200' (4328m).  They had to battle some wind as they passed the notorious feature called Windy Corner, but they made it and are enjoying life in the sun at this big, well supplied camp. [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
The winds kept the crew in camp yesterday.  The scene continues on, patiently waiting for conditions to allow the team to move up the fixed lines to high camp.  14 is not a bad place to hang out as acclimatization continues to make team members stronger and more prepared for
Pi called in from their new camp at 14,200' after moving strongly from their last camp at 11,200'.  Windy Corner lived up to its name, but once the team moved around the corner itself the winds slacked off enough to allow the group to travel up the final stretch of
This expedition moved from 7,800' to 9,500' yesterday, which is their last camp before attempting to summit Kahiltna Dome.  If the weather is cooperating they will travel up to Kahiltna pass and under the summit of Mt. Capps before climbing the northeast ridge.  It is a long and strenuous day
The West Rib team made a quick move from 11 to 14 camp, moving very strongly despite a stiff wind coming around Windy Corner.  Everyone reports feeling strong and motivated.  The plan is to backcarry their gear today and prepare to head up the fixed lines to 16,000' tomorrow.
The crew put in another great day yesterday, carrying a load of food and gear to 14,500'.  Conditions sounded a little icy but Jared still reported fun climbing and a team that continues to step up and work hard.  The weather was trying to cooperate; the winds were up a
Ben Adkinson called in to let us know that the team remained in camp at 11,200' today.  The winds up above them were pretty brutal, and they did not want to push it in such conditions.  It sounds like they took the day to load up on calories, as they
Hello Everyone, Our May 20th Highly Supported West Buttress team is on the glacier and apparently having a pretty good time, from the sound of the podcast they called in on the evening of May 22nd. The team met in Anchorage on Saturday, May 20th and the guides conducted a
Rough weather kept the crew in camp today, after making a carry around Windy Corner yesterday.  They had planned to move up and around the Corner again today, passing the cache of supplies they left at 13,500' and progressing to the large 14,200' (4328m) camp. Here's Isaac: [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
Yahoo! We are all back in Base Camp after a long few days. The whole group summitted on May 20th on a perfect day. We had an absolutely beautiful sunrise over Tibet on our way up. Everyone did very well with no problems or issues. Yesterday saw us descend from
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