Trip Reports
They finally got the nice weather that they've been looking for and moved up to high camp today.   Janine is at 14,000 ft with a Mountain Trip team, she may be going down with another Mountain Trip guide in the next couple of days.    The rest of the team made
Here's Jared calling in from Camp 1.  They moved up early this morning. [audio:|titles=Audio Post]
The weather wasn't perfect today, but much improved, and the team was able to move up to Camp 3 at the 14,000 ft basin.  They are excited to be moving up, and seeing some blue skies.  They'll be settling in to this camp for at least 4 nights to acclimate
The ski team is doing great and eating well.  Durny called in this evening after a big Pizza dinner and they were about to have some cheesecake for desert.   It was a pretty relaxing day, they skied powder back down to their cache at 10,ooo ft this morning and brought
After a day of waiting for the snow to stop falling at Base Camp, the team members of our June 26th crew loaded up and flew the 45 minute flight into the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier this morning. We call getting stuck in Talkeetna the "Talkeetna Hang."  This
Our June 28th West Buttress team is currently assembled at the Earth Bed and Breakfast in Anchorage, with all of their mountain kit spread out for our guides to look over.  This is part of a very detailed equipment check that we perform for each team member before we begin
Durny called in this evening from camp 2 at 11,000 ft.  They moved up this morning in whiteout conditions with snow and wind obscuring any visibility.   It snowed over a foot in the last 24 hours, so the trail from yesterday was long gone, but they were able to follow
It was another cloudy, snowy, windy day on Denali and all of our teams are waiting for the weather to change.   Jacob called in this evening after another day of snow at the 11,000 camp, and not much new and exciting to report.   They are working their way through some
Caitlin called in after dinner with the daily update.   Sounds like they are eating well, and trying to be patient with the weather.  Breakfast was blueberry, chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, and dinner involved a fair bit of bacon as well.  They'll be staying warm up there with that diet.
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