Guide Seba Grau called in a quick report today as he was standing on the summit of Imbabura Volcano at 15,190 ft. This is the team’s second acclimatization day, and it sounds like everything is going well and everybody is feeling good. Seba reports beautiful views from the summit, and the weather is good, with a few lingering clouds. The team will descend, then head to the historic Hacienda Pinsaqui, located on the flanks of Imbabura Volcano. Good work, team! Here’s Seba: recording


Pablo, Matt, Dave and Scott taking a break, en route up Imbabura

Ecuador 2014 bnw

Heading up the ridge of Imbabura

Ecuador 2014 fern

Fiddleheads in the zone just above the cloudforest

Ecuador 2014 Imbabura

Looking up the route!

Ecuador 2014 Imbabura Scott H

Scott H., cruising in his element (big, tall, mountains!)

Hacienda Pinsaqui

One of the fun and unique aspects of climbing in Ecuador is being able to stay at hundreds of years old haciendas, like the Hacienda Pinsaqui, on the flank of the Imbabura Volcano

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