Everest 2017 – Chris Calls From Base Camp

Our 2017 Mount Everest team continues the expedition process as they rest, recuperate and acclimatize at Everest Base Camp.  They plan to head back up the mountain in a couple of days, climbing all the way up to Camp 2 at 21,400 feet, passing Camp 1, where they had spent some time last week.

The audio quality isn’t great, one of the challenges of communicating from deep in the Himalaya, but it sure is nice to hear Chris!  The team has been taking some hikes as they rest, which is what he refers to by “active rest days.”  It is often better to get out and move, instead of just kicking back, as getting your heart rate up a bit and breathing a little heavier can help the acclimatization process.

Here is Chris Jentz, calling from Everest Base Camp!

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  1. Hello Chris, really good to hear your voice. You sound strong and happy.
    Hope everyone there is, you all certainly deserve it! That sushi the other
    day looked really good, I think I’ll have to get some tomorrow. Will be
    watching and listening all the way through, for you and everyone there.
    Take care, climb careful, be happy, and follow your passions! Hope
    everyone gets well rested. Take care, follow your passions, we will
    all be watching and listening and waiting for every post. Love, Mom

  2. Right about now you’re all tucked in, bagging zzzs before your 3am departure for 2nd rotation. I hope the Icefall is in a good mood and the Lhotse Face smiles on you. Just think, when you tag Camp 3, you’ll be at altitude 2x higher than our local hill, Mt. Hood! Great to hear your voice, Chris. Love from home, Terri & Ecats.

  3. Hey Chris – glad to see that you are putting the Toastmaster skills to work. Sounds like you’re having a great trip, and looking forward to more updates.

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