May 29th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Moves to Camp 1 + Team Introductions!

It’s time to get introduced to the May 29th Team! We are excited to report that May 29th West Buttress Denali Expedition departed Basecamp and made the 5 mile trek across the Kahiltna Glacier to arrive at Camp 1!

Here’s Josh and the team: Audio Recording

Crossing the lower Kahiltna Glacier enroute to Camp 1. The summit is just 13,000 ft up from here!

It’s always fun to hear from everyone on the team in one dispatch. On the team, we’ve got Reese from New Orleans, Frank from Australia, Indira from Kazakhstan, and Marshall from New Orleans!

Also, you can forget our amazing guide team, including Buster from Estes Park and Josh from Silverton, Colorado. Thanks for the intro’s everyone! 

We hope that the beautiful weather continues for the May 29th Team and that they continue to find some fun in each and every day of their expedition! 



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  1. Our whole family is following you up on the mountain! And I’m happy to hear the weather up there is better than here in New Orleans.!

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