May 29th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Moved up to High Camp!

Lead Guide Josh from the May 29th West Buttress Denali Expedition called in to report that the team has moved up to High Camp and took a rest day yesterday due to some unfavorable weather. 

Here’s Josh: Audio Recording

This team has gotten a lot of rest in the last week, with several days of waiting out weather at Camp 3 and now a nice day of rest at High Camp. Let’s hope that they are feeling well-rested and that all this waiting pays off with some good weather in the coming days to give them a chance at the summit!

As Josh said, “Pray to the weather gods!”, which is often all you can really do on Denali…

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  1. Marshall and the rest of the team, “YOU GOT THIS!” I know you are working hard and the reward is just in front of you. Be safe and cant wait to hear the stories.

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