June 9 West Buttress Expedition – Final Dispatch!

“Splitter” is the best way I can describe the June 9th team’s time on Denali. From the weather, to the route conditions, and even the fantastic group of people that made up the team. Our time on the Great One was really good! In the last 15 days a group of strangers came together and became a team that was successful and thriving in an environment that is hard to survive in. And undoubtedly this is due to the huge commitment that the team made to themselves and each other, from the commitment to prepare before the trip, to the commitment in digging deep and taking care of what needed to be done on the mountain. Summiting Denali is hard, and the June 9th team definitely earned it. Now we are back in society and off on our next adventures, our team had some time to relax, warm up, and thankfully shower!

Thank you to our team for a fantastic expedition, and for those that supported us along the way. Congratulations, I hope to adventure with you again soon!
Happy Adventures,
Marcus Bailado
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