June 18 West Buttress Expedition – Resting at 14 Camp

Lead guide Harrison Lewis called in with the update last night. There has been some wind in camp and on the ridge at 16,000’ (4876m) so the team chose to stay in camp today and wait for better conditions. They passed the time playing card games and having some fun throwing contests! 14 Camp, or Camp 3, is a beautiful place to spend some time. Having extra time in camp will help the team be more acclimatized to the altitude. Once conditions look promising, the team is in place to move up and consider a summit attempt.

Here’s Harrison!

Audio Recording

An earlier team enjoying the cook tent!

An earlier team enjoying the cook tent!

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1 Comment

    14000 CAMP is a Beautiful Place to REST FUEL HYDRATE SNACKS
    And Enjoy Throwing Contests !!
    There is Plenty of Time to Move UP UP UP UP UP!
    BRAVO 👏 👏 TEAM BRAVO 👏 🙌 👍 👌 💪 June 18th West Buttress Route Team 👏

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