June 18 West Buttress Expedition – Rest Day at Camp 3

Yesterday everyone enjoyed a rest day at Camp 3. Paige reports they did their fixed line practice. They place some snow pickets in camp, tie a rope into them, and practice using their ascenders and how to communicate while ascending the line. The team will move up still roped together, and good communication is key to make sure the team moves up smoothly. Today it sounds like they will be headed up the fixed lines just above camp to put in a cache of supplies on the 16 Ridge (16,200′ 4937m). This day will help them acclimatize before moving up to High Camp soon!

Here’s Paige with the update:

Audio Recording

On top of the Bunny Hill looking down at Camp 3

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  1. I’m so happy to hear the weather has been good for you guys. Awesome job to all of you! Be safe! Love to Paige.

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