June 15 West Buttress Expedition – Move to High Camp

The team has arrived at High Camp! High Camp sits at 17,200′ (5242m). As the team left camp at 14,200′ (4328m), the began their day by first climbing up Bunny Hill until they arrived at the bottom of the fixed lines. After climbing over the bergschrund there, they ascended the lines up to the 16 Ridge. Lead guide Matt Park reports the ridge was in exceptionally delightful conditions; sunny, no wind, and incredible views. They had to climb a bit higher from here to make it up to High Camp. Arriving here, they joined four Mountain Trip teams who were already up there! The camaraderie between teams on Denali is a special experience, and no doubt as they arrived another team had some water melted for them. After setting up camp, they tucked in to their sleeping bags. Now they are in position to make a summit attempt soon!

Here’s Matt Park:

P.S. Matt left us a note that Matt Calkins dropped his Inreach, and anyone tracking him should not be alarmed if it does not appear to move as they are unable to retrieve it.




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