June 15 West Buttress Denali Expedition – Moved to Camp 3

Yesterday the June 15 team moved from Camp 2 up to Camp 3! After some breakfast and coffee, they packed up camp and cached their snowshoes. From here on out the team needs crampons. Right out of camp they start their day climbing up Motorcycle Hill. At the top you start to feel like you’re on top of the world; the Peter’s Glacier drops off to your left and Camp 2 is laid out below you on your right. After a brief break they climb up Squirrel Hill onto the Polo Field which is flatter and gives the team a little break. Afterwards they climb up and around Windy Corner before making their way into Camp 3 at 14,200’. Boaz says they enjoyed a delicious dinner of pesto pasta!


Here’s Boaz with the report:

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