June 12 West Buttress Expedition – Move to High Camp

Yesterday morning, the team woke up early to prepare for their move up to High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m). The day begins almost immediately with a push up Bunny Hill to the base of the Fixed Lines, this can take a couple of hours. On the Fixed Lines they will use their ascenders on a permanently fixed rope of about 800′ (243m) to assist them in climbing up a steeper portion of the route until they arrive at the 16 Ridge (16,200′ 4937m). The weather yesterday was reported by another team to be exceptionally delightful, and no doubt the team enjoyed stunning views as they looked out over the Alaska Range from here. What lies ahead is some of the most aesthetic climbing of the West Buttress. The team walked along the crest of the ridge and through a section known as Washburns Thumb before reaching the flatter area that houses High Camp.

We’re not sure who was able to call in last night, but perhaps you will recognize their voice!


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1 Comment

  1. Well done Team June 12!!! Stay strong and enjoy your Sunday rest day—lots of love from the Rhein River at 262ft above sea level.

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