June 12th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Moved on up to Camp 2!

Climber Dan with the June 12th Team called in to report that the crew made a BIG MOVE and single-carried from Camp 1 up to Camp 2! 

Hear it from Dan himself: Audio Recording

After arriving at Camp 2, the team had some pizza for dinner and, in Decatur’s words “were strong like chickens” out there on the trail. Strong work team!

may 11 denali at 9400

The long gentle uphill between Camp 1 and Camp 2.

What’s a “single-carry”, you ask? Well, instead of leaving half of their food and equipment in a hole, buried in the snow, (aka a cache), between Camp 1 and Camp 2, the crew just decided to keep on moving, carrying ALL of their stuff in a single push up to Camp 2.

While it’s not an unheard of tactic, it is rare, and it’s a sign that the team is strong, and their loads are relatively light!

Now the team will settle into life at Camp 2, situated at 11,200′!


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