June 10 West Buttress Expedition – Move to high Camp

The team has arrived at High Camp! After some coffee and breakfast yesterday morning, the team prepared to move up to High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m). The day begins almost immediately with a push up Bunny Hill to the base of the Fixed Lines, this can take a couple of hours. On the Fixed Lines they will use their ascenders on a permanently fixed rope of about 800′ (243m) to assist them in climbing up a steeper portion of the route until they arrive at the 16 Ridge (16,200′ 4937m). Jordan echos the sentiment of other teams, that the weather yesterday was stunning and calm; his best day on the mountain so far! Sam and Emma climbed strong yesterday and did a great job making it up to High Camp. After arriving on the ridge, what lies ahead is some of the most aesthetic climbing of the West Buttress. The team walked along the crest of the ridge and through a section known as Washburns Thumb before reaching the flatter area that houses High Camp, joining three other Mountain Trip teams. No doubt the energy among the teams is high. The camaraderie between teams is one of the more special experiences of Denali as everyone does their best to help each other out when they can. Now the team is poised to make a summit attempt soon!

Here is lead guide Jordan Cargill:


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