June 10 West Buttress Expedition – Back at Camp 1!

The “Alpine Raiders” called in early this morning at 3am Alaska Daylight Time. After making it back from the top of the world they made it first to High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m), then back down the Fixed Lines to Camp 3 (14,200′ 4328m). From Camp 3 they walked back around Windy Corner, back through the Polo Field, down Squirrel Hill and down Motorcycle Hill to Camp 2 (11,200′ 3413m). At Camp 2 they dug up their cache of goods picking up their snowshoes, grabbing their sleds, and unearthing their duffel bags. They rigged the sleds back up, moved some gear around, and tied the sleds to the rope again before continuing what is fondly known as the “Death March” down to Basecamp. They called in from Camp 1 (7,800′ 2377m) where they have to stop again to dig up their final cache before the final 6 miles to Basecamp. They hope to fly out soon back to civilization where they can enjoy good food, massages, and maybe even a beer or two!

Here’s the team:

Audio Recording

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