June 10th West Buttress Denali Expedition – Arrived at Camp 2!

Climber Emma from the June 10th Team called in from Camp 2, but sadly the transmission gets cut short… Unfortunately, satellite phone reception at Camp 2 is notoriously bad. But, we’re happy to report that the June 10th Team moved on up to Camp 2 and is now at 11,200′ on Denali! 

Here’s Emma: Audio Recording

Camp 2 at 11,200′ on the West Buttress Route on Denali.

Don’t forget to check out our interactive map of the West Buttress Route on Mountain Trip’s SummitDenali.com website! The team will soon head up Motorcycle Hill (the slope leading above Camp 2 in the image above), before encountering Squirrel Hill, where legend has it a squirrel was spotted on the 1951 first ascent of this route!

Soon, the team will begin eyeing the weather in order to get favorable conditions for their next move: putting a cache in around the notorious Windy Corner… Nice work team! 

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